youth 4-H Club

Our 4-H Club is a collaborative effort between New Roots, WVU Extension Services, and the national 4-H youth development program offering free monthly club meetings for youth ages 9-13. Our club meetings focus on local agriculture and hands-on learning experiences.


Meetings occur Monthly from 4-6 pm

  • April 24th

  • May 29th

  • June 26th

  • July 31st

  • August 28 th

  • September 25th

4H club is free! No dues, no fees.

Welcome to our 4-H On-Farm Program, which aims to deepen agricultural understanding, expand farm-to-school initiatives, and offer youth a unique opportunity to connect with nature and learn valuable skills through hands-on learning experiences.

Encourage your kids to sign up today and join us in cultivating knowledge, skills, and a love for agriculture.

youth will learn:

  • Hands-on gardening and harvesting techniques 

  • The components of a healthy ecosystem

  • The importance of pollinators and beekeeping

  • How to cook with fresh, home-grown ingredients

  • Collaborating in a community setting

  • The joys and responsibilities of sustainable agriculture

Meeting Descriptions:

Welcome to the farm + LifeCycle!

Thursday, April 24th from 4-6 p.m.

Get a tour of our 82-acre farm, including the production space!

We’ll learn the basics of the growing season cycle, move our bodies through a juggling challenge mimicking the grow cycle, and make handmade clay pots for next session!

Let’s Learn about BeeKeeping!

Thursday, August 28th from 4-6 p.m.

During this informative 4-H meeting, kids will learn about beekeeping from our expert partner, Rick Forren, of the Fayette County Beekeepers Association.

They will discover the fascinating world of bees, understand their importance in pollination, and get hands-on experience with beekeeping equipment. This engaging session will highlight bees' vital role in our ecosystem and the basics of caring for a bee colony.


Thursday, May 29th from 4-6 p.m.

This month, we will learn the basic components of soil.

After we discuss the differences in soils across the globe, and assess the soils on the farm; we’ll observe soil particle separation and talk about clay and the pots they made last month.

We’ll learn how plants get nutrients from soils while we add soil to our pots and plant a seed to watch grow throughout the season.

Harvest, Storage, and Pizza!

Thursday, September 25th from 4-7 p.m.

Kids will harvest cold storage crops and some of the last fresh tomatoes and basil for the season!

We’ll use them to make delicious pizzas in our wood-fired oven.

This hands-on activity will teach gardening skills, the importance of fresh ingredients, and the fun of cooking from scratch! It's a beautiful way to connect with nature and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Parents are welcome to join this session!


Thursday, June 26th from 4-6 p.m.

Kids will get to identify insects, learn about insect families and their relationship with the farm crops (symbiotic, mutualistic, parasitic) and impacts on ecosystems.

We will walk to different areas of the farm to observe and collect different insects through sweeping, look at sticky traps, compost piles, and in the soil.

Flowers & Pollinators!

Thursday, July 31st from 4-6 p.m.

We will walk around the farm and observe flowers being grown for various purposes. Bouquets, cover crop, pollinator habitat. We will observe and discuss different types of pollinators.

Using flowers we collect around the farm, kids will make hammer dyed art and bouquets to take home with them.

what is 4-h?

4‑H is America’s largest youth development organization—empowering nearly six million young people with the “skills to lead for a lifetime.”

The four H’s in 4-H represent the four values members work on through fun and engaging programs: head, heart, hands, and health.

To learn more about 4-H or discover a 4-H club near you, visit the 4-H webpage here.

Questions? Please email Kathleen at

join us in cultivating knowledge, skills, and a love for agriculture.