High School Internship
GAIN AGRicultural work experience!
Our 10-week High School internship is a learn by doing, hands on opportunity for two young people with a serious interest in sustainable agriculture. This internship provides invaluable exposure to a variety of agricultural practices, and students will receive mentorship and career shadowing opportunities while gaining experience in areas such as:
Farm work: seeding, transplanting, cultivation, weeding harvesting.
Pack house management: washing, post-harvest handling, materials handling, order packing
Special projects: beekeeping, floral arranging, event coordination

May 26th - July 31st | 9-5pm T/W/Th | $12/hour
USDA National Scholars Program
This experience qualifies students to apply for the USDA 1890 Scholars Program which provides full tuition, books, room, and board at one of the 19 Historically Black Land-Grant Institutions across the country. Therefore, priority is given to quality applicants considering a career in an agriculture-related field.
Please contact our Program Manager, Kathleen, at kathleen@newrootscommunityfarm.com